remedies for nausea and vomiting

How To Stop Nausea And Vomiting? Remedies, Tips, And More

Vomiting is a reaction to some changes inside our bodies. For instance, excessive use of addictive drugs and alcohol irritates the stomach and triggers excessive acid production. Nausea or vomiting is a secondary reaction to this. It is a protective mechanism our body uses to flush out irritants, pathogens, or other allergic agents. Vomiting can help relieve our stomach by discarding toxins when we experience food poisoning. Vomiting and nausea also highlight the side effects of some medications, remedies or healthcare conditions.

But repetitive episodes can be uncomfortable, exhausting, and risky in some situations. An emetic reaction right after a surgical procedure can open fresh wounds and cause internal bleeding. Excessive vomiting also causes dehydration and weakness when the body loses nutrients and fluids. So management is necessary to prevent severe complications, regardless of the primary trigger or cause.

The following sections discuss self-care tips and medications to subside and manage vomiting and nausea remedies.

1.  Prevent and Manage Dehydration

Vomiting causes loss of body fluid, and excessive loss of fluids can lead to dehydration. Excessive loss of body fluids can disturb osmosis balance, reduce appetite, cause weakness, hamper cognitive functions, and increase the intensity of nausea and vomiting.

So ensure sufficient intake of fluids when you experience frequent emetic episodes. Use oral rehydration solutions and fruit juices to replenish minerals and maintain electrolyte balance. Drink cold water in small amounts at multiple intervals throughout the day to prevent dehydration. And take a break from eating anything until your body can tolerate it.

If you cannot take in oral fluid, use an intravenous replacement. The dosage of IV fluid replacements depends on the dehydration level and deficiency of nutrients. For instance, a banana bag for hangover is the best treatment to overcome severe dehydration after excessive alcohol consumption. The hangover banana bag contains vitamin B complex, minerals, and anti-inflammatory anti-emetic medicines for quick relief from dehydration.

2.  Trace and Manage Triggers of Vomiting and Nausea

Vomiting and nausea can have several triggers, for instance, gastrointestinal tract (GIT) irregularities, an upset stomach, food allergy, motion sickness, exposure to chemicals, and the use of addictive drugs. Vomiting and nausea are also signs of healthcare issues, such as GIT infections, gastrointestinal obstruction, stomach ulcers, brain injury, heart attack, liver failure, some cancers, migraines, kidney stones, and appendicitis. Treatments like chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery also trigger vomiting and nausea. Overdose of vitamin supplements can also induce emetic reactions. Expecting women also experience morning sickness if they have vitamin B-6 deficiency.

So the most effective solution is to understand and root out the underlying cause. Once your healthcare condition is under control, associated symptoms will subside gradually. Consult your healthcare adviser, discuss symptoms, and seek proper treatment.

3.  Explore Alternative Medicines

Since vomiting and nausea are common side effects of many healthcare conditions, you can use several anti-emetic meds to manage impulses. For instance, bismuth subsalicylate helps treat stomach and gastrointestinal discomfort that prompts nausea and vomiting. Metoclopramide is another anti-emetic and anti-sickness medicine.

Patients with migraines or those undergoing surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation use metoclopramide to manage feelings of sickness. Domperidone is another over-the-counter anti-sickness medicine for short-term use. It is effective for motion sickness while traveling. Meclizine, diphenhydramine, and dimenhydrinate are effective for pregnancy-related morning sickness and nausea.

The best approach is to consult a doctor if your episodes persist and intensify. They can suggest safer options or remedies for nausea and vomiting.

Explore alternative medicines


4.  Explore Complementary Anti-Emetic Therapies

Patients with healthcare conditions, such as cancer, gastroparesis, viral gastroenteritis, interesting obstruction, vestibular neuritis, dietetic ketoacidosis, and migraines, experience frequent episodes of vomiting and nausea. Though their doctors prescribe anti-emetic medications, long-term use in routine is not easy. Since medicines are also not free of side effects, patients can look into safer alternatives to manage their symptoms.

Complementary therapies are relatively safer for patients battling chronic illnesses. Deep breathing is one way to divert attention and suppress nausea. Acupressure and acupuncture are two techniques to relieve symptoms of nausea and vomiting. Both locate acupoints at different body parts to relax muscles, minimize regurgitation, subside or amplify sensory signals, and increase blood flow. For instance, pressing acupoint L14 helps relieve nausea caused by migraines, pain, and indigestion. It lies between the thumb and index finger.

Ginger tea, peppermint aromatherapy, smelling citrus fruits, and body massage are other safer options to relieve nausea and vomiting.

5.  Beware of Over-The-Counter Medicines

Many people can’t withstand the uncomfortable feeling of nausea and vomiting and resort to drugs whenever they feel sick. But be conscious of the excessive use of over-the-counter medicines. Non-prescribed medicines may help manage symptoms, but can cause other problems. For instance, domperidone (Motilium) is one of the most frequently used over-the-counter medicines for nausea and vomiting. It helps subside the symptoms, but it comes with several side effects. Some rare to common side effects include headache, nervousness, irritability, sleeping difficulties, shortness of breath, drowsiness, fits, constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth, heartburn, and depression.

Side effects of other anti-sickness and anti-emetic medications can be worse. In short, you may cause your health more damage while treating your sickness. So consume these drugs after consulting a healthcare expert. Over-the-counter and non-prescribed medicines are unsafe for long-term use.

6.  Discontinue Medications that Cause Severe Side Effects

If vomiting and nausea are medicine-related and such episodes last more than 48 hours, discontinue your meds and consult a doctor. Some medications can cause severe side effects in some patients, while others may not experience such symptoms at all. So if a specific drug causes vomiting and nausea, consult a healthcare provider. Prescription drugs come in different dosages and constituents, and some salts may trigger nausea and vomiting. Other variants in the market may suit your health better without causing severe side effects. So your healthcare provider can prescribe alternatives and observe your tolerance level.

7.  Sleep well

Lack of sleep and restlessness disturb digestion and metabolic functions. One can experience severe heartburn, indigestion, nausea, and vomiting after a sleepless night. Sleeplessness also befogs the mind and causes motion sickness, nausea, and vomiting while traveling.

So rest well before traveling. Sit by the window side and keep looking out of the window. Close your eyes and lie down when you feel nausea or vomiting. And rest well if you have an underlying health issue that causes nausea and vomiting. Restlessness and sleep deprivation increase exhaustion and jeopardize your stamina to withstand such frequent episodes, no matter the trigger.

Read More: 10 Tips to Improve Your Sleep Quality



Vomiting and nausea can have several external and internal triggers. So the effective remedies for nausea and vomiting is tracing, observing, and treating the underlying cause. Medications, complementary treatments, and home remedies can offer short-term solutions. You may experience nausea and vomiting until you cater to the root cause. So consult an expert and share your healthcare profile than relying on self-care remedies in the long run.


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